Due to
- In some developmental immaturity. The child is not keeping up with his age but like a younger child in terms of the way he communicates, the sentences he uses.
- In some syndromes, pathological causes, prenatal, perinatal, perinatal or postnatal causes. E.g. mental retardation, clefts, dental anomalies, Down's syndrome, convulsions, cerebral palsy, hearing problems, etc.
- On other factors. Possible psychological problems or lack of environmental stimuli.
- confuse the sounds in a word.
- are confused with polysyllabic words.
- cannot produce specific sounds or groups of sounds
- omit sounds or syllables.
- have difficulty with big words
- not understood by third parties
The child...
- cannot make a syntactically correct sentence.
- has difficulty with grammar (e.g. He does not know when to use future tense, to put the suffix -o in the first person).
- cannot find the right words to make a sentence.
- does not start a dialogue.
- doesn't understand what he's being told.
- does not play - changes roles
- has difficulty expressing himself/herself and behaving according to circumstances
If any of the above problems start to bother you, it would be a good idea to consult a specialist because it is very likely that your child needs speech therapy. The specialist speech and language therapist will explain in detail the individualised treatment programme chosen for your child depending on the age, the severity of the problem and always in collaboration with the family. Then with appropriate counselling you will also be able to help your child from home. With these conditions a healthy and safe environment is achieved to ensure the complete success of the program.
It is recommended that you speak to your child slowly, do not interrupt or correct them constantly, and when you want them to imitate a behaviour, simply become a role model rather than giving repeated commands.