- Autism
by mpoxatziar
Jacob who...
called mom shortly after his 40th birthday, in my hands, supposedly non-verbal, he is in the Supermarket and specifically at the checkout to complete, autonomously, a transaction.
His mother right behind us is being trained in intervention.
The transaction is over and we head up the long, electric, escalator to the exit. I look behind me to see Mother and for some reason she doesn't follow us. We get to the elevator with James and "chop!" There she is!
The mother.
"I stayed back a bit to console the cashier. She was crying... and asking me "What's wrong with the poor?"
You know, he's my son and he's autistic...and right now he's in class!" The mother recounted their dialogue to me with a smile.
Tender and sensitive the cashier and every cashier. Who represents the "good" version of our society.
I notice that there is "yeast" which can give wonderful results since the sensitivity of such people can give a lot.
But first some preconditions are needed.
1. James is of the masculine gender and NOT of the neuter gender.
2. He's not poor. For God's sake! He's only different and can do everything you can do with the time and space you have.
3. His mother doesn't need to comfort ANYONE.
I know it is human to be intrigued and to create new feelings, but this is nature. And it doesn't change.
Nature has the right to be diverse. There will always be different entities next to us of all kinds that will give rise to emotions. But what CAN change is our fair approach.
Let us all make a start. Not tomorrow. Not today.
From now on.
Let's start NOW for a better world...
I wish you a beautiful and carefree Sunday evening!
PS. I owed you the photo at the sea! You know, you, Mom and son...
Speech and Language Therapist, Autism Specialist.
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