IRLEN & Headaches - Migraines

"I've had terrible headaches every day all my life. I've been to doctors, they've even given me medication and even eyeglasses. Nothing helped until I heard about Irlen Potions." Deana  S, Φοιτήτρια Πανεπιστημίου

The Irlen method

The Irlen Method, known worldwide as a way of treating photosensitivity and perceptual difficulties, is not only for treating reading and learning problems. Reports from clinicians around the world have demonstrated how effective the Irlen Method can be for physical symptoms, stomach aches, sleepiness, migraines, dizziness or fatigue. When light or visual stress causes these symptoms, color can solve the problem.

Hundreds of thousands of children and adults wear glasses with Irlen filters and millions of children use Irlen colour slides to treat Irlen syndrome.

«I was the child with migraines and headaches that started at the age of 6. Everyone knew about my problem and that I was very sensitive. 50 years of chronic headaches. But with the Irlen filters, NO more photosensitivity related headaches."

Elizabeth, 64 years old

"Friday was a headache day because it was a test day. I needed to sleep all afternoon that day to recover from the headaches. My headaches started on Wednesday Elementary School and continued until my thirties when I received my own Irlen potions. I cried when I found that I don't have a headache anymore."

Sherrie, MFT, School Psychologist

"I would get a headache very quickly and easily and it would keep me going all day at school and when I was doing homework. Now with my Irlen potions, I don't get headaches at all anymore. Amazing! I never take them out of my eyes."

Sarah, 13 years old

"I've had severe headaches since I was 13 years old. I love writing but my head gets so heavy it stops me thinking. I had tried many medications and even chiropractic care, but nothing stopped them except for the Irlen potions. They are fantastic and now I am a creative energetic and inspired writer."

Jennifer K, University student

"I had severe headaches every day. I couldn't spell the letters of words correctly. I would get a severe headache when I concentrated on the words in the text. It took all my attention. The headaches made it hard for me to concentrate and listen. I had been to doctors, gotten medication and even glasses. Nothing helped except for the Irlen potions."

Deana S, University Student


Headaches and other physical symptoms may be caused by an illness. Please make sure with a visit to your doctor that they are not caused by an illness.



The brain plays a primary and decisive role in how we feel. It receives information from the environment which it categorizes and stores. To work properly, the brain must be able to process stimuli correctly and integrate them as they come in.

Research on the Irlen method shows that for some people, with headaches, migraines and other physical symptoms, light disrupts what the brain records and processes. This is caused by the inability of these brains to accept and process certain wavelengths of natural light. Activities that require intense visual work, such as reading and writing, can be particularly stressful and tiring.


The Irlen method uses a specific procedure, based on a practical examination, in which the unique wavelengths of light to which the particular brain of the affected person is sensitive are identified. These 'harmful' wavelengths are isolated and filtered through precise coloured glasses. The ability to filter out only these wavelengths of light is the key to the success of the method. The filter is not like sunglass. This unique color brings comfort without making the environment dark or colorful and for this reason they can be worn inside and outside the home even on a night drive.


The diagnostic test is performed by a certified specialist syndrome therapist who determines whether the examinee is a candidate to be helped by Irlen filters. This unique filter is worn as eyeglasses, contact lenses or even on your eyeglasses, which you may already have.


The procedure for treating Irlen syndrome involves two appointments.

Tcheck yourself out

It bothers you:

  1. When you're in the sun without sunglasses or a hat for protection?
  2. When you are in bright lights or fluorescent lights e.g. in a supermarket, in the hospital, in schools, in tutorials?
  3. From the glare even on cloudy days?
  4. From illuminated signs or street lights when driving at night?
  5. When you work on the computer?
  6. When you watch TV?
  7. When you do exercises on paper?
  8. When you look at stripes, patterns or bright colours?
  9. When looking at objects with high contrasts such as black and white?
  10. When you read for long periods of time?
  11. When doing exercises that require intense visual activity, such as sewing, crossword puzzles, crypto puzzles, etc.
  12. When working under bright lights or fluorescent lights?
If you answered YES to 3 or more of the above questions, you are likely to benefit from Irlen colour filters.

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