Instead of being intimidated by the word you use for me,
Instead of averting your eyes from the other when you see me.
Instead of being scared.
Instead of feeling sorry for me and absolving yourself of all responsibility...
Instead of making your cross that I didn't happen to be a close relative of yours,
that you didn't get such a curse...
If you don't think you and the society you created for me aren't handicapped...
Change damn!
Change as much as you can.
Change more than you ever imagined.
Give me the time and space I deserve!
Change your society that is only yours!
I exist in her too, and let it belong only to you!
It's unfair not to be able to breathe, it's unfair to suffocate.
Remember me!
When you resent the checkout line for being late to pay.
Remember me when I'm screaming,
when I fall on the floor and hit the floor.
Remember me when you're ready to put me on trial.
Remember me when I give you a headache and a knot in your stomach!
And when I don't make your dreams come true,
remember me again.
Remember me every time you use me as a curse word,
for fun,
for devaluation.
Remember me always with love and respect.
The respect I deserve.
Remember me in your every thought,
and action!
Remember me everywhere.
Remember me through thick and thin.
Remember me today
and tomorrow
and always.
Always remember me and change the world.
For me,
for you,
for us.
get to work!
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