Out came your little girl from our conference who hadn't uttered a word by then, almost eight years old, and gave you the plastic doll:
With a broad smile like the dawn she said to you:
"Here, Mama!"
And you were reduced to tears and you looked at her, you looked at me too. You were lost!
"Hey, Mama, take the doll your little girl gives you, why don't you obey?" I said.
I remember it like it was yesterday!
I never forget!
Με ένα πλατύ χαμόγελο σαν ξημέρωμα σου είπε:
«Πάρε μαμα!»
Κι εσυ λιγώθηκες στο κλάμα και την κοίταζες, κοίταζες κι εμένα. Ήσουν χαμένη!
«Έι, μαμά, παρε το κουκλάκι που σου δίνει το κοριτσάκι σου, γιατί δεν υπακούς ;» Σου είπα.
Σαν χθες το θυμάμαι!
Ποτε δεν ξεχνω!
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