What it is & symptoms


Surely we have all in our lives talked to a stutterer or at least heard one. Stuttering is a communication disorder in which the flow of speech is interrupted by repetitions of words, syllables (I want the bicycle.), sounds, lengthening of phonemes (mama e e e.), blocking, rephrasing, interference of unrelated sounds - phonemes that differ from normal speech , both qualitatively and quantitatively. Also, people who stutter may exhibit other behaviors, such as: Avoidance of eye contact, repetitive rhythmic movements of the limbs ,grimacing, facial wrinkling, lip pressure, intense mouth opening (tics), intense movements of the muscles involved in speech and also often we may observe unusual breathing techniques .When talking about stuttering we should not forget that the psychological state of the person who stutters is affected and to a great extent. More specifically, this person feels shame, frustration, anxiety, denial about his/her condition and others.

How stuttering is established

  • By systematically concentrating on the details of the mechanism of speech and thus inevitably more mistakes are made.
  • By developing strategies - ways of avoidance (sounds, words, repetition, social situations, changing vocabulary)
  • The shame of the particular situation as well as the idea that others will criticize improper eloquence.
  • Intense effort for good fluency.


  • We pay more attention
  • We do not interrupt the person
  • Making the right conditions for speech
  • We let the person complete
  • We do not accuse or judge
  • We don't ask many things together
  • We are not looking for the cause
  • We take the stress out of his life.
  • We do not separate our children
  • We show understanding and acceptance

When to be concerned

  • During the normal development of a child's speech in the first 5 years of life, it follows an extremely complex and rapid developmental path. At this crucial stage, problems in the flow of speech (confusions, rephrasing, blocking, intense pressure, etc.) may be observed. But if this becomes stable and you start to worry it is advisable to contact the specialist.
  • If you are an adult and it often happens that you want to say something to someone but problems in your flow prevent you from finishing.
  • If you happen to get stuck on a sound while you are talking and in your attempt to unstick you get out of breath, or you feel yourself blinking constantly or clenching your face.


  • The speech and language therapist will help you to deal with your difficulties with understanding, concern and correct handling through the appropriate treatment programme, where necessary, or just with appropriate counselling so that the problem does not become entrenched.
  • It is important that the stuttering is treated as early as possible in order to get the best possible results.
  • Treatment is always carried out with the cooperation of the family and close environment.
  • There are modern treatment programmes by specialised speech and language therapists so that the appropriate treatment programme can be applied depending on the case.

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